Five 9s Digital achieves "Best Project Award" for New Data Center Development

Distinguished NAIOP Award Goes to Five 9s Digital For New Data Center Development
The annual NAIOP Awards Gala held on November 17, 2016 held somewhat of a surprise this year. The Best Office/Medial Project award in the Ohio region went to a new Data Center project developed and owned by Five 9s Digital. The data center was purpose-built to acccomodate Expedient Data Centers in Dublin,(Columbus)Ohio. Expedient operates 11 geographically diverse data centers offering colocation, managed services and cloud solutions.
NAIOP recognizes projects that exhibit high achievement in suitability for the occupant, design creativity, functionality, response to complexity, economic impact to the community and positive influence on the surrounding area.
The new development was the first to utilize the City of Dublin's new TechFlex District Zoning classification which is focused on high-tech industries. In addition to working through the design components of the facility, the building was situated on a parcel that required a subdivision and, simultaneously, working through the critical infrastructure factors when developing a mission critical facility.
Development factors in this highly-designed facility included multiple power feeds, redundant ultra high-speed fiber connectivity to multiple providers, and other design elements including back-up power generation, energy efficiency and sustaintable common areas. All of these design characteristics contribute to the robust resiliancy requirements of data center operators.
The Five 9s project team included Quandel Construction, Batir Architecture, Etzel Design Build, Evolve, and EMH&T.